Below are the Exhibitors from the 2023 Prestige Gift and Lifestyle Fair.

This will be updated in October for the 2024 Prestige Lifestyle and Gift Fair .

Photo of DIAMORE – NOV 29


Contact: Tanvi Jigar Shah


Diamore is a luxury jewellery brand created by Diarect Marketing Limited!!
It’s a premier diamantaire headquartered in Hong Kong and specialises in diamond and gem stones procurement and empower various brands, boutique jewellers and diamond traders, to procure right at the right price.

As a brief introduction, Diarect is a Hong Kong based diamond company having a strong vintage of 8 years, providing customised procurement solutions to its clients across various countries. It currently leverages its presence in three strategic locations – Hong Kong, China and India and continues to grow as a preferred partner to various Global companies. Diarect deals in well-tailored customise solutions from businesses to ultimate consumers .